All that is Chinese
I guess my fascination for the Chinese people and culture started when I read the book The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I found their ways of doing everyday things interesting and so far from our American culture. There lives are simple. At least that's how it was in the farmlands of China in the 1800's. Fast forward to the 21st century. Now all I know is that half Asian men are very handsome. This was confirmed when our family lived in San Francisco in the early 90's. I worked for 2 Chinese men. Both of them full Chinese. That meant that they were not tall but were very smart. I like smart. It saves a lot of time. They had some handsome features but not what I would swoon over. Non the less I had major crushes on both of them or for that matter the whole city.
Now the little one is having a baby with a man that is half Chinese. He's is tall and handsome. Now that leads me to Chinese babies. They are the cutest. I can hardly wait and even though those two young pups want a boy...Chinese girls are so cute you just want to eat them up.
So today I am going to my friends' house to play with her 2 girls. Both were adopted from China and I can never get enough of them. The cute factor is off the scale and they say the funniest things. I say this because even though they are Chinese, they are little girls and I say the same about all little girls. I can't get enough of them. I am so glad I had 3 of them. Sorry I did not have more.