Hygienist Hunting
As some of you may know, Grace our hygienist got married in June and moved to sunny San Diego. We've been in mourning ever since. It's like we've had a death in the family. People ask about her all the time. We have her picture on the front desk. Since she left, we've had a very nice temp come in. Her name is Melissa. She's 24 and has grown very close to our little family. Melissa is going on vacation next week. We are using the time to have working interviews every day with a different person to try them on for size. So now we need a temp for our temp. Although Melissa would like the job, she is only a year out of school and wants 38.00 per hour. I feel this is reasonable but apparently, I'm the only one. All that have come in so far to interview want 38-41 dollars per hour. So Melissa still might get the job and that would be just great with us. She's practically one of us anyway.
Baby Brennan will be a hot dog for Halloween. I now have someone to carve a pumpkin with this year. I'm thrilled. Tomorrow, we set up a picnic table and create a scene with him as the main course. Should be super cute and DELICIOUS!!!!
Here, the hygienists start at $55. He should count his blessings. Also, send his West Coast aunts some new pics!
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