All Better now!!!
Whew!! that was a long two weeks. Work is much better. I'm caught up and the new underlings are catching on quickly and they are actually helping me everyday they are there.
Mr. Wonderful is out of town for the whole week and you know what that means. I secretly throw away his stuff that he collects. This week it was picture frames, pillows, and anything resembling a stuffed animal that he has been saving in the crawl space for 20 years. I had a huge pile with a "sort me" sign on it. That has taken 2 days to do. Pictures are everywhere. I am glad everything has gone digital. Sure will be a space saver. I always said I was saving the basement till I retire, But I want to finish the basement in the next 2 years. So that means, every thing's got to go! All the games are going in the crawl space. All the baskets and silver too. The biggest problem will be of course (you guessed it) Mr. Wonderful will not part with his junk. He has gorilla racks full of stuff like old computers, old phones, electrical wiring he doesn't know how to use, file boxes full of stuff, boxes of books just to name a few. He needs to go out of town for a month.
And he passed the trait onto me. But I use all my packratted stuff, there's the difference.
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